It is to you my friends that I write today. I found myself alone and in utter silence, which for those of you that know me can appreciate is a novel and rare occasion. In this silence I found myself with an odd creeping feeling of depression. I wondered on this and found that in this moment it was, by a sad realization that I wasn't living my life....

This, for my daily friends as well as the ones who have gone through the catch up process, may also come as a shock. As you all have probably heard a lengthy and detailed account of my lives plan. Let me take you a bit deeper in this thought and ask you the reader to take a moment and ask yourself, "Am I living my life"…ask this and then change the emphasis to highlight each word in the question and ask it again out loud all 5 times..

Have you done it?

I can guarantee that in this moment you are finding that one of those phrasings is kicking up emotion, hopefully mostly good, and in 99% of you and me, there is a bit of uneasiness. That's Okay!

I was musing over how, with all of my plans, I could possibly feel as if I wasn't in complete control of my life and further more my future.

I realized while thinking about it that it was simply due to the fact that I was focusing on the completed life, the end of the journey. I ask you now to take a moment and think about any project that you may be working on currently. Anything from house work to homework, from rebuilding an engine to fixing a leak in your toilet, anything. In this thought you know where you started and you know the outcome, or at least what the planned or expected outcome will be. Now comes the moment. Magicians would consider this the 'prestige' or apex of their amusement…The moment where we can stop and appreciate the task. The meaning, the overall lesson and joy in learning that this or any other task or goal can provide.

In life, as with tasks or projects, we can spend all of our energy focusing on the outcome and forget that the journey is what we are here for.

My friends I ask that you take the time to slow down and look around. Ask a child what they see when they look at passing car or the sky, inhale deeply and lock in the taste of that smell for future reflection. While I was in Egypt a friend e-mailed me and told me that I should find a quiet spot, which in the desert isn't hard, and pick up a handful of sand and let it slip through your fingers, remember that feeling she said.

We don't stop making those awe inspiring discoveries as children. As adults we reflect on those times and exploit them for all of our 'great memories!' Today need be one of those great memories. Celebrate the fact that you are alive and, if reading this, then you are already a friend.

"Today will dictate tomorrow and tomorrow will dictate the rest of your life"

Don't worry over the life you haven't yet lived, devour the today as the life you are living!

Much love all,



  1. Prophetic. But why the burning need for control every step of the way? Sometimes it just feels right to let whatever will happen, happen.
